Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The warmth of God will accompany you on your return to your new past/new reality. You will not be left out in the cold. You will feel His comfort in a state of no fear.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The warmth of God will accompany you on your return to your new past/new reality. You will not be left out in the cold. You will feel His comfort in a state of no fear.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Making Sure

Making sure the will of God is done will, at times, break your heart. No matter what the consequences are to you, doing God's will in any reality, either in this reality or a new reality, you must do His will, not your will. Your ability to choose Christ at any time brings with the decision the possibility of your turning away because you have a choice to follow Him or not follow Him. Make sure you do His will.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Heaven is always the objective. Heaven is always the goal. Christ is our reason for being. Heaven is our ultimate destination. Seeing Christ face to face in heaven is our reason for being in any reality. We do not know the dimensions of heaven. We do not know how much heaven is like our present life.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Maintain your faith even when unknowns would tear you and your faith down. What may seem to be a unknown may be known, but unknown to you. Open your heart to God. Trust in Him no matter the cost to you. What God has put in place for you will come to pass. The glory God has put in place for you will come to be.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Do not be afraid, for the Lord is always with you. The love of God erases all fear. When you encounter a new circumstance, especially a circumstance you have never encountered before, recall how the Lord is always with you.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stay Alert

You must stay alert because you do not know when your ascension will take place. You must stay alert to receive the Lord's wisdom and insight so all of your remaining days on earth will be fruitful and a blessing to God.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Preparation Now

Suffering now prepares you to be a person of humility, might, and power later on. Your present life, times, and trials have prepared you to live in your new past/new reality. All of your days, Christ has been with you…guiding you, speaking with you, preparing you to do an even greater work in your new past/new reality.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Wonderful Than You Can Imagine

Compared to your present day trials and sufferings, your new past/new reality would be more wonderful than you can imagine. In your new past/new reality there will be no more helplessness, there will be no more buried anger, there will be no more cringing humiliation, embarrassment, or shame. When all these are taken away in your new past/new reality your reality will be more wonderful than you can imagine.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Things Hidden

For your benefit and for the benefit of God's work upon the earth, God must keep many things hidden from you. Be comforted in knowing all things are going to work out for you now and in your new past/new reality as God intends.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Are You Truly Willing?

The Lord knows your doubt. So, are you truly willing to go into your new past/new reality? The Lord asks this question to embolden you and strengthen you in the here and now. Your new past/new reality will be easier. You will have purpose and meaning. You will be able to process what is around you more effectively. You will see the folly and the unimportance of what you thought was important in the here and now. You will see people in a new and better light. You will see your mission in a clearer focus.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your Failures

Would you push the Lord's will aside to make up for your failures? Would you turn the Lord’s will aside in order to turn a failure into a worldly success? You have had both failures and successes. If there is one hindrance to God doing His will and sending you to a new past/new reality that hindrance is when you try to do your will rather than His will. You must learn from your old failures in order to build new successes. You must not specifically try and re-do or make up for your old failures. You will have an over-powering mission in your new past/new reality. Your over-powering mission must dwarf your ever wanting to "make up for" or "trying to re-do" what you did in the old past. Your new past/new reality is a new opportunity to do new things, blaze new trails, be a new person in light of His prime directives to you. You can savor the best of the old, but do not try to relive the bad parts of the old to try and make up for the old. When you make mistakes and try and relive the bad parts of the old to make up for the old, you will not make progress. Continually be aware the new past is new, not the old.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have No Doubt

Have no doubt God will work His will through your life. Yes, God will still work through you whether you are young or old. However, God is timeless. God does not know your age as a hindrance. God knows your life as a manifestation of your wisdom and growth. Look at how God has worked through you in this time in your life. Look how God has worked through all of your life. Let God have His way in this matter. Look at the massive way God has blessed you from the time of your birth. You are here doing what you are doing because God has placed His hand upon you. For you to doubt one iota God cannot or will not continue to work through you for as long as God wills is to deny God has ever worked through you in the past. Do you deny God is now working through you?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In The Beginning

All the hope God had for us…

All the desires God had for us…

All came crashing down.

A realization of how things are now and how things got to be where they are now is key in dealing with a new past/new reality. You are commissioned to not interfere. You are commissioned to only stay focused on the three directives. However, you must do all you can do to offset the decline of the world into what you see happening. In the 1950's, the world had just come through a horrendous war. Prosperity was returning. There were also the evil seeds of communism and socialism being planted. Look around you today and see how far we have fallen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not What You Want

It is not what you want. It is what God wants for you and from you. Remember your purpose is to give to God what God wants, rather than living your life trying to give yourself what you want. Submit what you want in favor of doing what God wants.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Look Up And Live

You cannot live looking back. You cannot live trying to look ahead because you cannot really see ahead. You cannot truly live even looking around at your world in the moment because the world has so much pain and suffering. You can only truly live looking up to Christ in heaven. When you look up your heart is lifted. When you look up you see His infinity.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Lord Has Trusted You

The Lord has trusted you with wisdom and knowledge. When we survey what the Lord has given us during our lifetime, we are overwhelmed. We are overwhelmed when we consider what we have been able to do with so little preparation except the preparation of our heart under His hand. He trusted us in the past. We did as much as we were able to do to serve Him. He trusts us still. We are humbled at the thought of His trusting us so much.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Believe In The Lord

Believe in the Lord. He knows what is best for you. You don't “have” to trust or believe in God. However, what are the options? What if you don't trust or believe in Him? What is then left of you? What is the harm in believing God will do a great work in your life? Will you run the risk of believing God will give you or send you to a new past/new reality? Think of the positives, the life changing, life enhancing positives of believing God WILL give you a new past/new reality in which to live. Most of this exercise is an exercise getting you to BELIEVE God WILL do rather than God CAN do. You know for a fact, no matter what you can imagine, God WILL do more for you than you can imagine. God WILL give you a new past/new reality GREATER than you can imagine. God WILL do these great things for you. The mechanics of God's actions are not known. You do not know the mechanics of many of your technical inventions yet your still use them.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Trust In God

The Lord is always calling upon you to trust in Him. When you trust in Him, He wants you to put your future and your new past/new reality into His hands. You cannot inherit a new past/new reality and live without Him. You cannot even live a heavenly life without Him. Trust God, no matter how you might be in any place, at any time. In your humanity, you do not normally want to trust God. In your humanness, you want to do everything on your own. You want to overcome on your own. You want to conquer on your own. You want victory on your own. However, to do His work and His will to the fullest extent, you must trust Him more fully than you have in the past. This is not to say you are not to use your own abilities in this life. In this life, there will come a time when you need Him every hour. Trust Him. Jesus will never fail you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Transformation is the one word to describe the experience of going to your new past/new reality under the direction of the power of God. To go from being old to being young would be described as a transformation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Lord Will Be With You

The Lord will be with you in the time of your going to your new past/new reality. You will not travel to another reality, time, or place by yourself. The Lord’s angels will be with you at all times during your travel.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Lord’s Presence

The importance of your ascension is not about the knowledge and wisdom regarding when the ascension will happen. The importance of you ascension is the Lord's presence when ascension happens. The Lord's presence is greater than any material thing or any event. All things and all events melt away in the Lord's presence. The Lord's presence is greater than the time of your ascension or your need to know when the ascension will occur.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Like A Fast Train

Ascending to your new past/new reality will be like riding a fast train. The transfer or the travel from this timeline to the new past/new reality will happen in almost an instant. You may or may not sense speed or motion because time will seem to be suspended. Perhaps God will give you a sense of time and speed as a comfort to you, in order to help you integrate to a new past/new reality.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


When you ascend to your new past/new reality is not important. Think about how unimportant the "when" is compared to the actual event. Compare how unimportant the "when" is compared to the greatness of actually being there. Do not be consumed with the "when" but be consumed with Christ who is the power behind all these things. Live each day as if tomorrow is the day of your new past/new reality becoming realized because in God's timeless hand tomorrow really is the day your new past/new reality comes into being.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

You Are Not Doomed

You are not doomed to stay in your present physical state. If you had to ascend to your new past/new reality and stay at your present age in your present condition, you would not survive. In this regard, the Lord will transform you into a new person, a younger person, more able to do and fulfill His mission for you. Consider how all those you will see in your new past/new reality would react if they suddenly saw you grow old in an instant.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thanksgiving For Your Life

Your present life is the foundation upon which your life in the future is built. All the afflictions and hardships you face today are preparing you to do even greater works in the future in your new past/new reality. Live in thanksgiving knowing God has prepared you throughout your life for the moments in your new past/new reality. Survey your life and see the power and blessings God has poured over you...even in the midst of your trials. Understand all the good things, all the good people, all the good influences in your life have come from the Lord. Praise His name each moment for Christ is the source of your blessings.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A New Past/New Reality Is About The Future

Your new past/new reality is about the future. When a new past/new reality has been engineered by the Lord, His will shall be done with the future before you. The Lord’s engineering will be done so you will be able to build the new future to change outcomes according to what the Lord wants and wills.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Angel Agents

God works through His angel agents. Whether you see or whether you don't see an angel is of little importance compared to doing God's work in the world now and in the days, weeks, years, and the infinity to come in your new past/new reality.