Blog contains info about the writer's potential last hours realities on earth and messages about a new mansion in the sky. Messages are partially coded so Christians are more likely to understand. Your last hours realities and mansion dimensions and conceptualizations may vary. This blog is related to a personal prophecy given to the blogger. This blog is about the writer's next step up just before entering his glorious new mansion. Christ is Lord.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Knowledge And Wisdom
In the new past/new reality you will have an instant infusion of knowledge and wisdom. Not known to be possible in this life or time line, an instant infusion of knowledge and wisdom is possible with God. Saying you had an instant infusion is a way to explain things happening in a new past/new reality. An instant infusion of knowledge and wisdom is a way for God to tell you He loves you and He wants you to carry on in fulfilling the three directives in your life.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
You know you want to interfere in the lives of others. However, you must not interfere in the lives of others because God has arranged things in life. God needs to give each person His level of personal freedom to make their choices for Him or against Him. Your needless interfering in another person's life can cause a massive disruption in God's plans. However, when you interfere based only on the three directives, you facilitate God doing His will through you and through others. Remember, in the new past/new reality your life will be "notched up" from this present reality. You must not interfere except through working under the three directives.
Monday, August 29, 2011
You will have a brilliant new past/new reality. Perhaps you have had a pretty dull present time line, with "dull" meaning not as productive as you wanted. Your new past/new reality, when you arrive there, with the new gifts the Lord will give you, will indeed be "brilliant" in contrast to your present. Your mind will be super-energized as your mind has been super-energized a few times in the past in this life. In your new past/new reality you will not have the emotional, mental, and physical fatigue you have suffered in your present time line.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Do You Hear The Music?
Do you hear the societal breakdown taking place? Do you hear the world chaos about to erupt? Do you hear the anger of God building over what some have done in the world? Do you hear the music of the angels to soothe your soul? Do you hear the music of God energizing your soul? Do you hear the angels singing?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A Glorious Mission
Living in your new past/new reality you will be on a glorious mission! Your mission in your new past/new reality will be glorious. Notice the word "mission" is used. After your transfer takes place, you will not just sit idly by. There will be great and glorious work to do for God. You may not feel the glory, but the idea and purpose of the mission will be glorious and you will know more fully when you ascend to your new past/new reality about the magnitude of the mission.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Losing Memories
The Lord will cause you to lose some memories to protect your heart. Losing some personal memories is consistent with the love of God. Losing some painful memories or traumatic memories would be healing. However, losing some memories would itself be traumatic if the memories lost left gaps in the line of memories we possess. Losing memories giving us more trauma on top of trauma is not the will of God.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Markers are everywhere if you look for them. He will give you more markers. The Lord gives you markers to keep you going and to help deepen your faith. The Lord gives you markers not just to help you but to help others.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Warmth Of God
Feel the warmth. Feel the warmth of God. The warmth is a marker telling you of His reality. The warmth of God is beyond mere words. The warmth is as much God as is the Light you know. The warmth is God's love made a little more manifest. The warmth is God's love filtering down and becoming a reality within you. Of all the thoughts, doubts, misgivings, concerns, fears, and whatever else you may be experiencing about your immediate or eternal future, the warmth is the comforter, the glue, and the wrapper put around your soul. You know Christ is for real in all this confusion when you feel the privilege of His warmth flowing down upon you.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Under Christ's Love
Do you feel the Lord's love? Every moment try to live under and live in the Lord's love as He is commanding you to do. You are succeeding within this commandment. Living in His love helps you get through the day. Living in His love will help you as you progress toward going into a new past/new reality. Living under the Lord's love will help you in ways you cannot imagine as you live and move through your new past/new reality to achieve the Lord's prime directives through you.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Pouring Love
Pour love over every moment in this reality or in the reality of your new past/new reality. Pouring love over every moment will take an enormous amount of effort on your part. If you go to a reality where you are very young, pouring love over every moment would be nearly impossible if you go to a state of youthful immaturity. Look forward to being mature because you will have your decades of learning, knowledge, and wisdom remaining in tact.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Compared To The Love Of God
Compared to the love of God, none of these things spoken of herein, nor does any thing in all of reality, make any difference. When you compare going to a new past/new reality to the love of God, the new past/new reality is nothing. The sacrifice Christ made overwhelms all things, all thoughts, all desires, and all within all. The Lord needs you to consider the insignificance of a new past/new reality compared to Christ. Seeing the insignificance of your selfish desire to re-do so much of your life can help you grow up and mature.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Stand Under The Love
Stand under the love pouring down more often than you do now. The love pouring down is found at the foot of Christ's cross. When you let Satan inflict pain, suffering, and worry upon you, then you can counter what Satan does by standing under the love of Christ at the foot of His cross. When you live to show and bring about God's glory, God's reward is to pour His love over you if you are living to show His glory in humble unselfish ways.
Friday, August 19, 2011
In your new past/new reality, there will be love. There will be the continual experience of love. God is love. In the life to come, no matter where, when, or how there will be love. God's home is the home of love. God expresses His love for you by telling you there will be love. God expresses His magnificence by telling you there will be love. Love is not the absence of anything. Love is the presence of God in His infinity. Time does not matter when His love is present. Place does not matter when His love is present. Fear does not matter, money does not matter…nothing matters but His love when His love is present.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Christ's Love
Do you feel Christ's love for you? You are immersed in His love each moment. Even when you are not aware, He is over you, under you, and all around you. Go to the foot of His Cross and kneel down before Him. He wants you to feel His love. He wants you to know He loves you in mighty and dramatic ways. His wanting you to know and experience His love is an example and an expression of His love. His asking you to affirm you feel His love is an example and an expression of His reaching out to you in love. How mighty, dramatic, and moving is His love!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ride The Love Train
It sounds like a sixties song. But how else would you want to go to your new past/new reality. Think about it. What a wonderful gift of transport awaits you. Think of the ease and joy awaiting you on your travel to the indescribable next level, next life, next timeline, or next reality. For certain, it will be like a ride of some kind. For certain, since the Lord is involved there will be love in the travel sequence.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A Pouring Out
There will be a pouring out. The love of God will cleanse you of your issues from this present time. Christ's cleansing will take place upon your return to your new past/new reality and in this present reality. Think about this. Preparing you for your new past/new reality, would require God to pour His love over you. To heal you of your issues now, God will pour over you His love and healing power. You will not go back into a new past/new reality with the issues you have now. Your old memories full of pain, memories generating anger, memories so full of trauma, will be erased because God poured out His healing love over you.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Do Not Be Consumed
Do not be consumed with the thought of going to a new past/new reality, but live your life in the now at this time. The Lord knows how difficult this experience has been for you in the respect of challenging your faith and your mind. Live each day like you have always lived each day. Do the Lord's work. Look around you at your present world. When you look around at your present world, you will be able to see the relevance of this present age compared to a new past/new reality. Absorb the life you have now. The more you absorb the life you have now, the more a new past/new reality becomes greater in importance and workability.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Keep Living Your Life
You can be of greatest service to the Lord if you keep on keeping on in your present life. Do not stop living until God calls you. Do not shorten your life, no matter what. What God wants to happen will happen in God's love, grace, and time. God gave you a great mission. Keep going. Your three directives are the same whether you are in this time or whether you are in another time ordained and placed in His palm according to His will and grace.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
All Creation Melts Down
All creation melts down into His Light and love…including you. All creation is fluid in the Lord's hands. You think you know reality. After all, reality is where you are sitting, what you are viewing on, with the part of you giving you a sense of taste, touch, and physical place. However, your reality is like water to God. God can do anything in your reality. Reality can be moved, shaped, changed, morphed, or whatever else God wants to do with His creation…all without your knowledge. If God wants more glorification from you in any of glorifications forms, God can make and facilitate reality to suit God's will. Things only work in your reality according to God's design. Some things do not work according to God's design because of Satanic evil. However, God has the power to do ANYTHING He wants to do. He can send you back to a new past/new reality if doing so fits His will. You are putty in His hands, ready to be shaped and molded according to His will and according to your being willing to do His will.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Light Beam – The Place Of Light
The light beam or place of light will be where you travel to the new past/new reality. You only know what the Lord is telling you. You have not seen the light beam or the place of light. You do not know the light beam's location on earth or how it will be. All you can do is envision and trust God to fulfill His words, which He will do.
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Light Within You
Let the light within you come on and illumine all of your life in the past, in the present, and in the future. The Light of God is within you at all times. The light of God is the power giving you the power to do His will in your life. The power of God guides you. Let the Light of God come on more fully in your life in all of your days in the future. Do not be concerned about where or what the Light will reveal or show you. Let the Light of God come on and be with you as the Love of God is with you. Be of good cheer. Be of good humor. Be of good goofy humor.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Pure Light
You will be immersed in pure light. God is light. Christ is the light of the world. You will be immersed in pure light before and during the transfer process of going from your present reality to your new past/new reality. Being in the light, you will be immersed in the power of God.
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Light Of Christ's Cross
The light of your life is not going back to another time or a new past. The light of your life rests at the foot of Christ's Cross. Whenever you feel troubled, or perplexed, or full of doubt, go to the foot of His Cross. There is no doubt, uncertainty, or question as you kneel before Him in His terrible hour of agony. There is only humility and godly sorrow. At the foot of His cross, you find the humility He has called you to adopt both now and in your new past/new reality. There is no battle of ego at His cross. There is no war between the darkness attacking you today and His will living within you. All things melt away at the foot of His cross so divine. In all your work and struggle for Him, all the time has been and must continue to be done at the foot of His cross. Turn all your work over to Him at the foot of His cross. Turn all your fears over to Him at the foot of His cross. Turn all you sorrows and heartbreaks over to Him at the foot of His Cross. Take all your darkness, pain, suffering, and more to His cross. At His Cross, it makes no difference what happens or does not happen. At His cross, all you want, hope for, dream about, plan for, or need, melts away in His glory and grace.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Keep Busy. Keep Moving.
Staying active during this time of waiting upon the appearance of your new past/new reality is critically important. Just waiting and waiting around on your part is not permitted. Work continually on the Lord's work. Stay focused. Work in prayer. Work within the immense love of God.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tears Of Joy
When you go to your new past/new reality there will be sadness and/or tears of joy. Tears of joy can flow when we are overcome with emotions. Such will be the case when you go to your new past/new reality. The emotions will be real, but there will be no hurt or pain. All tears of pain and hurt will be gone. Joy unspeakable will prevail.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tumbling Over. Somersaulting In Joy.
You will be so full of joy when you finally arrive in your new past/new reality you will want to or may even tumble over doing somersaults in joy. Your present afflictions will be gone. Your present pain, suffering, and hurt will be gone. You will have an inspired new direction and new purpose. You will see how you have decades of joy-filled work to do. You will see many opportunities bringing joy to your heart and soul. You will see changes you make and the fruit of those changes. This is not to say all things will be perfect in the new past/new reality, but all things will be more filled with joy absent in your trauma and pain of the present.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Incredible Intellectual Clarity
In your new past/new reality, your mind will not be burdened down by all the pain, worry, and suffering of this present time. In your new past/new reality, you will experience incredible intellectual clarity.
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