Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Must Grow Into Going Into Your New Past Or New Reality

You must make every effort to grow in wisdom and knowledge. You cannot control what others do or think. You cannot control how mature or immature they are. Pray for them every day. Be a mature example for them. The Lord will decide whether they are to go into a new past/new reality are to remain. If you are to go alone, the Lord will comfort you and He will be a balm for you in your grief.

(Sorry I missed a couple days of posting. Pain issues etc.)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Growing Up

Definitive answers from the Lord will come to you the more mature you become. The Lord needs you to be more mature. Satan wants you to be immature. Satan wants you hurting and bleeding in every respect in order to try and make you immature. Satan wants to make your pain retard your progress to be more mature. To be more mature, trust God more, spend more time at the foot of His cross. Be willing to accept the negative truth you may have to wait until you die to go to a new past/new reality. Use whatever dark times you have for God's glory. Put others first as you stand at the cross. Be more reasoned. Be less impetuous.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


There is a purpose to this process of receiving these words. There is a purpose in deciphering and understanding these words. The purpose is to make you grow up. Your issue with pain and the other issues of your life have made you "un-grow."

You Will Be Tempted

You will be tempted to move away from the Lord as you receive these words. You will be tempted to move away from the Lord as you learn His truths in this process. The doubt…The misgivings…The uncertainties…The unbelievable statements. All these pile up and feed your doubt. All these come against you and make you want to move away from the Lord and His messages to you. Do not move away from the Lord. Be unrelenting in your faith in Him. Be unrelenting in your devotion to Him.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let God Have His Way In All Things

Let this process of evolving truth and growing wisdom about your new reality in the future bring forth what God wants. Let God have His way in all things. Let this process continue in God's will and grace. You cannot change the process or make the process hurry up or slow down. You cannot control the process. Live in humility and let God have His way within you. You do not know the meaning of all things. You do not know the meaning of all these snippets. Trust in the Lord. Do not doubt He will do a magnificent work within you and within your life. What you can imagine is not nearly enough to explain what will happen.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unity With The Father

Try to be with Christ Jesus more now than ever before. Your unity with the Father is of primary importance. Your being able to kneel at the foot of Christ's cross is more important than ever before. Your humility can change history in ways you will never be able to understand, but you must trust in the power of God each moment.

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Reminder

Be with the Lord. The world pulls at you. The Lord wants you to stay with Him. Your pain and suffering pulls you apart. This snippet is a reminder to not cave into the pain and suffering of your life. The Lord knows what you are going through. The world and your pain are making you doubt what the Lord can do and will do.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Don't "Move On" Without The Lord

Whenever you try to handle all the idea of a new past/new reality on your own, you leave God out. Whenever you think about the future, or about going back, or going about forward, think about God. Think about how God can fit into your plans. Think about how God can work through you in the in your new past or new reality. Getting caught up in your selfishness in trying to deal with these matters is easy. However, put God first. Whenever your mind starts going through various scenarios, place God in each of those pictures.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Lord's Power

Your power is not the thing. The Lord's power is the thing. You have some power but no power compared to the Lord. Let the Lord power you forward. Let the Lord give you the impetus and the motivation you need for each moment. You can try to do what you need to do on your own power, but the Lord's power is the thing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

God Has All Power Even To Do The Impossible

God can change the sequence and order of events. God has the power to do anything He wants and wills to do. God can change your reality. God can change the order of events yet to happen. God can cause you to time travel and change the order of events in your new reality/new past. God is without limits. Even your imagination cannot conceive of what God can do. In a new reality/new past, you may not know when God is changing the order of events. Just know God has the power to do anything He wills to do.

Monday, June 13, 2011

You Are Loved

The greatest three words the Lord could ever say to you. Through every trial in the present, through every trial in the future, regardless of what the future may be, the Lord wants you to know you are loved. Contemplate these words. Meditate on these words. Rest in the love of these words. What is greater than going to a new reality/new past is the love God has for you. All things pale in comparison to the love God has for you. Amen and Amen.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Do Not Forsake Me

The Lord speaks to you and says "I love you, my child, do not forsake me." What a magnificent gesture by God! First He tells you He loves you. Then He tells you to stay with Him because He will always be beside you. Obviously, God knows your past and your future. God knows you face enormous challenges in this time and perhaps even in your new past/new reality. Praise God for telling you He loves you. Praise His name for calling out to you asking you to stand by Him and not to forsake Him. God is calling out to you both for His glory and also for His benefit. You are up to the task. You know humility.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Pain Is Blocking Out His Love

Pain keeps you from being with or sensing God's presence in your life. You already know this. The reason you were given this snippet is to make you more aware of how far the pain pushes you away from Him. Try to make every effort to live in His love at all times. Do all you can to make Him more of a reality in your here and now. Push against the pain at all times.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All For God's Glory

Every breath, every motion, every thought, every plan, every goal, every moment should be for God's glory. Not your glory, but His glory. What value would a new past/new reality be if you were to live the moments only for yourself. Living for God's glory carries with it enormous weight because of the sacrifice you have to make. However, the weight is not without a balance more in favor of your joy and happiness. Be willing to live like tomorrow is the beginning of your eternal youth, because tomorrow IS the beginning of the eternal you. In your new youth/new past/new reality you may walk the same ground as before, but you must walk a different path on that ground. Some parts of the path will be similar, but your reason for being, your reason for doing, and your reason for living must be for God's glory by your choice. Make every choice a choice for God's glory.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Put The Lord Before All These Matters.

Before every thought about these matters, put the Lord first. The Lord comes first. Whenever you think about these matters, put the Lord first. Before you ever stop to consider these matters, kneel at the foot of Christ's cross. There are priorities you must observe. There are priorities you are to follow. You are to follow these priorities no matter what timeline or reality you are in.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things Are Ready To Happen

Things are breaking/ready to happen in heaven. The changes about to come are now beginning to rumble in heaven. God cannot long contain His wrath against the dark powers aligned against the innocent who know not what is going on. Hell fire is burning. The gates of hell are being opened to those who have openly turned, who have wantonly turned, and who are turning away from God. New chances to live in eternity await those who did not know, for those who did not understand, for those who were beaten down and persecuted but who did not know why.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mushrooming Wrath

The wrath of God is mushrooming up. Certainly, God is not a happy camper right now. The wrath of God is mushrooming up like an atomic mushroom cloud. For Satan to destroy so many lives, for human beings to willingly mock God, for people to turn away from God when people have/had a clear choice, God is furious. The wrath of God is caused. The wrath of God is caused by the actions or inactions of people. The wrath of God is caused by the actions of Satan against God's chosen sheep. You will see the result of God's wrath.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Evil Mocked God

Evil mocked God by using the limitations of our present reality against God. God will not be mocked. God will change the rules. God's fury and wrath have no limit against the evil darkness. God will put things right. God will not stand by and let you be attacked, day after day, hour after hour, without doing a mighty work for you when God wills for you to have a new series of events.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Lord Is Working For You

The Lord is working on the difficulties you carry. God is always working for you. God is always with you, helping you carry your burdens. God continually works to bring the best of your reality into your new reality/new past just ahead. Whatever happens, God is working for you. God is working on bringing you a fantastic new world and new life. Imagine the kinds of activities God will be engaging in as things are re-arranged for you and for others to bring about your new reality.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sending Up

It is not what you call down from God, it is what you send up to Him. Send up your heart and soul. Send up your gratitude to God for sending Christ to be your savior. Send up your gratitude to Christ because He placed His call upon your life. Instead of being so caught up in going to a new past/new reality, live in gratitude for what the Lord is doing in your present moment.