Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Power Of God Before, During, And After

Are you beginning to understand the power and presence of God before, during, and after your transfer to your new past/new reality? What happens before, during, or after your transfer makes no difference. The only thing making any difference is the power of God's love. Without His love flowing down into you, the timeline you are in makes no difference. Without God's presence in your life, going back to a new past/new reality would be a worthless disaster on many levels. Going back to a new past/new reality must not be about you but about Him. Although you would likely not be a Billy Graham anywhere at any time, God's desire for you and for all people is to try to have the magnitude of impact Billy Graham has had.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Infinite Mountain Of Info

How else would we describe God in our era of information? How else would we describe the enormous influx of wisdom and knowledge to be bestowed upon you? God is infinite in knowledge because God is the infinite mind. As you go from one reality/new past to another, a small portion of this infinite mind rubs off on you. In addition, your current work for the Lord, and your years have given you a mountain of information no one would have in a new past/new reality. Look at what you have downloaded! Would this not be considered a mountain of info in a new past of perhaps the 1950's?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Smaller And Smaller

As you live in the infinite power of God your life can seem to get smaller and smaller and smaller. The more you see the power of God working, the smaller your life seems to be in the here and now. It is appropriate your life would seem to diminish in the Lord's glory and grace because the more we become less under His humility, the greater He becomes within us. Consider how magnificent your new life in your new past will be compared to your life now. Your life now grows smaller and smaller compared to the magnitude of your future.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Possibilities With God

Possibilities with God are endless. All things are possible with God because God is infinite in knowledge, wisdom, and power. What is impossible for mankind is nothing for God to do. Never doubt what God can do. Never doubt God called you into His service. Never doubt God's call upon your life can extend to other timelines and other realities. What God can do is what keeps your faith alive. What God will do moment by moment can be determined by your actions just as much as by God's will.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Your Unlimited Future

You have an unlimited future at this moment. You cannot think of infinite but infinity awaits you. Your future is indeed unlimited. Remember when you were younger and every opportunity was out there to be pursued? Your future is fuller of opportunities now than your future has ever been before. Even as you age, even as your health declines into your last hours on earth, your new past holds unlimited opportunities to do God's work in unlimited ways. Think fantastic to the max.

Friday, July 15, 2011

You Cannot Imagine

In positive terms, you cannot imagine what you will see and know. How can you imagine what the power of God can do? You can think you can imagine. You can imagine. You can try to imagine. You can create imaginary scenarios. You can fill in and sketch in your imaginary scenarios. But to actually be there, to actually witness what the power of God will do at some point in the future is impossible because you do not have the full capacity to fully comprehend, let alone, imagine, what the power of God will do. For this reason alone, look forward to an immense and unimaginably great future.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Walking In Confidence, Power, And Humility

In your new past/new reality, you will walk in confidence and power but in silent humility. In your current reality, you can only imagine what walking in power is like. Walking in humility will be a challenge since nearly all of your days you have walked in humiliation. Your days of cringing humiliation will be over. However, you will remember your days of this current time. You will remember them so you will always be humble. You will remember them so you reach out to the less fortunate, the downtrodden, and the forgotten ones. The Lord will be with you and guide you. You have never been really pushed around but you have felt pushed around and pushed down. In your new past your walk in humility will be self-imposed and full of power.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Giving Predictions

Never give predictions for attention. Only give predictions to achieve the three prime directives of saving a life, saving a heart, and saving a soul by calling someone to Christ. Do not call attention to yourself. Never give a prediction unless the prediction will result in the achievement in one of the prime directives.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When You Go To Your New Past

When you go to your new past, you must agree to walk in total humility. No fame. No glory. Fame and glory call you. But remember dad's comments about your getting involved in the music business? He was right. Unrestrained, uncontrolled, you could have ended up like JLL. The same would be true in a new past. You could self-destruct yourself and take others along with you. Just like JLL, others would not escape unhurt, or unscathed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Work Behind The Scenes To Maintain Humility

You must work behind the scenes. Be totally unknown. Be totally unseen. This humility is the humility you take on, not what is put upon you. The reason the Lord wants you to work unseen and unknown is so you preserve your humility. At the present time you have humility because of your afflictions. In the new past, when your afflictions are minor, there is a chance, a probability, you will fall away from the Lord. In your new past, you will have greater gifts and talents. Because you have these greater gifts and talents, God wants you to stay unseen and unknown. Becoming a facetious person is a way to stay unseen and unknown.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Your Pain And Humility

Let your pain bring you to His desired level of humility within you. Pain is no easy deal. Pain can draw you to humility if the pain can be turned around into giving you something (humility) rather than taking part of your life away. Pain is the great destroyer. When you turn pain around into giving you humility, you gain instead of lose. In a new past, you will remember your old past. You will need humility in your new past in order to do the work God called you to do.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Humility Before Our Lord

All of this experience and all of these words are about humility. The phrase "all of these words" includes the whole experience, the envisioning, the writing, the preparation work, and more. What is certain is the emphasis on humility. The Lord wants you humble so you will stay next to Him. If you are not humble you will stray away from Him. Humility is the secret to life with the Lord. Look around you, look at all the problems caused by ego, selfishness, and greed. Live in humility before our Lord, especially now. Live in humility now so when you inherit your new past/new reality His joy will be complete within you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You Must Become Nothing

You must become nothing in order to serve the Lord. To serve God you must become nothing. Your ego must become nothing. Your selfishness must become nothing. Kneel at the foot of Christ's cross in total humility. Do all you do, live all of your life, at the foot of His cross. When pain, suffering, and temptations come, run to the foot of His cross. Your service in humility glorifies the Lord. Share all of your burdens with Him. No matter how much the load weighs upon you, be His humble child living in holy contrition. No matter what reality you live in now or live in within your future, become nothing before the Lord.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not About You

Going to a new past/new reality must not be about you. Going to a new past/new reality must be about Christ and Him alone. Going to a new past/new reality must be about His work alone. Going to a new past/new reality must only be about bringing others to Him alone. Going to a new past/new reality must be about living in total humility. Humility is required so God can work His power and plans both through you and through others. If you do not live in total humility, if you let your ego become your master, God is pushed aside. You must let God reign. You let God reign by living, working, doing, and thinking in total humility to God's will now and later in your new past/new reality.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Part Of You In Heaven

Every moment, a part of you always resides in heaven. Every moment, a part of heaven always resides in you. On earth, you determine how much of God resides in you. You are part of the infinity of God. God is always a part of you. The level of separation between God and you is up to you. What you must not miss is how there is little separation between you and God if you desire Him to be with you. When you inherit your new past/new reality understand you will be in heaven or heaven will be in you or you will be on an heavenly earth in heaven like this earth…and how will you know the difference…and what difference will it make when you take in your new inheritance if you are in a new reality?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Did You Learn?

Does your conscience burn? Did you learn anything as you moved through your present life? Does your conscience hurt you and burn you because of what you did and did not do? Will you be better when you move into your new past/new reality? Will you be more vocal at the right time when others need you? Will you be more sensitive to the needs of others? Will you try to minister to those needs? One of the points of giving you a new past is to help you help the Lord in all ways possible by giving you a new past or new reality.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Pain Has Softened You, My Child

Your pain was not what God wanted. However, God did want you to be softer and more malleable to His touch. Like you have said and written, it is not what the pain does to you, it is what you do with the pain. In your new past/new reality, use what the pain has given you. Use every stinking ounce of what the pain has given you. Use all you have in any time, for the glory of God.