Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Not About Being "Reasonable"

Reason and reasoning has its limits. When you consider what is in the supernatural realms, reason begins to fade. It is not reasonable for Christ to have come back after being dead for three days. However, He did come back. In the reality of your present moments, going to a new past/new reality is not reasonable. Believing God can do all things, even impossible things, is not reasonable. However, to go beyond what is reasonable makes God's power manifest, regardless of your circumstances.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Open Up

Let the Lord's truth flow into you. There is much more going on in your life than you can know. As always, as you have seen in your later years, the Lord is in your heart, mind, and soul as go about each day. From your experience, you know the Lord's truth does flow into you as you work for Him.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Things Being Made Ready

As a comfort to you...things are being made ready by God for you. No matter whether you move into a new past/new reality in real earth time or into a new past/new reality in heaven, God is continually working on your eventual place with Him. As you are willing to live in a new past/new reality to do His work, He continually makes things ready for you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Are You Thankful?

Are you thankful for what you have? Counting your blessings is the secret to a happy life. In your current past, perhaps you were so inundated you thought little about your blessings. From this moment on, count your blessings. The fact the Lord might ask you about counting your blessings, would indicate His love for you. Obviously, you have burdens you must carry. You will have burdens in the future, no matter what God deems your future to be. However, count your blessings, even in your curses. Look at the love God has for you. God asks you this moment about counting your blessings. Are you counting? God asks you because He loves you.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Taking Your Life

Taking your life is forbidden. Going to a new past/new reality is not. Look inside your heart and you will see this message has been given and received many times. Look within and you will see the contrast between death and life. Going to a new past/new reality is not an option or choice. Your life on earth is temporary. If going to a new past/new reality is a choice, one could opt out in order to avoid death. However, what are the consequences of never going to heaven? What happens if we opt out of doing God's will?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Suffering The Right Way

Suffering the right way is preparation. When you suffer, remember to suffer the right way. Remembering every hurt, every pain, every depression, every physical exhaustion, and more is a form of preparation. Every moment of every adversity is preparation for your going to live in your new past/new reality. Look at the power of being so fully and completely prepared! Look at how you will see you have the Lord's armor of protection around you! When you suffer, you must suffer the right way…with a spirit embracing the full and complete love of God.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Storehouse

The storehouse is being filled. God's storehouse of love and blessings is being filled for you. You will be given this storehouse in your new past/new reality. You will be amazed. You will be dazzled. Your mind will jump for joy. You will be blessed beyond words to describe.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Slow Down

Slow down and absorb your life. Slow down now and in the new past/new reality. You have trouble absorbing all of what is around you. This is because of pain and other life issues. However, your must try now to absorb more of what is around you. Time will slow down for you. Days can seem to last almost forever. Slow down and absorb now and in the days to come.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Death Of Ego

In your new past/new reality, ego must die. Selfishness must die. No more moments spent in selfish ambition. Do all you do for the glory of God. Ego destroys. Ego kills. Kill ego by humble adoration for Christ at the foot of His cross. You will make an impact for Christ if ego is made into nothing. You will have battles with your ego. The gifts you will have will be substantial. Every day you must pray and meditate for one hour minimum. Pray every day for God to be with you…killing your ego.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Signs And Wonders

You do not need to be continually searching for signs and wonders. The Lord's presence in your life should be enough. Before you search for signs and wonders, search for the power of God's love at the foot of His cross. The only sign and wonder you will ever need is the sign of His cross and the wonder of His love.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


You do not need a sign or signal because you have faith. Faith is greater than signs. Your faith is greater than any sign. All signs do is keep you going. If your faith keeps you going, then why do you need signs? Answer: You do not need a sign because you have faith. If you want confirmation, look at the truth God is giving you in His words. Look at your prayer time experience of being in His light. Look at your prayer list illuminated with Christ's power. Your experiences in your life are markers.

Friday, November 18, 2011

You Don't Need A Sign

You don't need a sign because you have a mighty faith. Just because you doubt, do not let your doubt pollute your faith God can do anything He wants to do. God can do the impossible in your life. Believe it. You are permitted to believe God can to the impossible of giving you a new past/new reality. The Lord has not brought you all this way for nothing. It will way or another…a new past/new reality will happen.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Words

All the words you read here are about the hurt in your heart, but all the words you read here are about MORE than just the hurt within you. These words are about healing under the hand of God. God does not want dysfunction. God does not want deformity. God does not like problems, issues, and pain. In saying this, God loves you in spite of all the darkness put upon you, in spite of the darkness you put upon yourself, in spite of the darkness in the world, and in spite of the mistakes you make. God loves you. What God is doing now in your life is loving you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Cannot Have

You cannot have all things. You cannot have all things in any timeline. Be more at peace with what you have. Be more at peace with having Christ in your life. Do not agonize over what you have lost. Do not agonize over what you tried to do when you did not succeed. What you tried to do may have seemed like a failure to you but to God, all things work toward His glory if you place all things in His hands. All things belong to Him.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Keep Looking

You will see the Lord. You will see the Lord's manifestations. His manifestations will become more and more apparent. You must stay aware and keep looking. Do not be disappointed when you do not find. Keep seeking and eventually you will find. Although you do not know the hour or day of His return or the hour or day of your return to a new past/new reality, keep looking, keep seeking, and you will find.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


An effort is underway to deceive you. Satan always wants to deceive you. Satan wants to draw you in and produce a devastating disappointment in you so you will lose faith. Stay with the Lord! Trust in the Lord! Do not get caught up in generating scenarios about what may be in the future. Generate scenarios about how the Lord can be and is with you in the present moment.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Faithful In Suffering

When you are faithful to God in your suffering, you will be granted gifts of power. Live in praise for what the Lord is about to do. Live in praise for His love for you. Recognize the gift in power is not what is most important. The gift in power must be preceded by humility. The gift in power is kept only in humility. You are given these words to keep you humble. Live in His humility as you learn about and use His gifts of power for you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

As A Reward

As a reward, as compensation for living with suffering and being faithful, your reward in heaven is beyond mere human words to describe. Your reward of being sent to a new past/new reality could also be greater than great, according to the Lord's will for you and for the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Look For The Signs!

Keep looking. The signs may be hidden now, but if you never look for them you will never find them. The fact you are involved in this work is a sign. The fact God has given you so much in His wisdom is a sign. The fact you are able to do other tasks in His love is a sign. A sign is an experience with God, an experience with His love and grace.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God's Wisdom

God's wisdom will keep you going. His work you have pledged to do will keep your mind active and your intellect working. Look how you have produced! Instead of languishing, you must create. God wants you to do all this for His glory. A new past/new reality must be used for the three directives in humility.

Monday, November 7, 2011


What you want, the how, and the when, is in these notes and can be known. The accumulation of these words gives you what you may never have anticipated. Look at the depth, meaning, and foreknowledge! You can see if you will let yourself see. Can you let yourself see?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do Not Weep

Do not weep over what you think you cannot have or will not have, for there will be joy in the morning. We all have regret. We all live with some form of poverty. However, we must not live in regret or in poverty. We must live in the plenty of God's love. We must live in the bounty of God's future days for us.

Mansion Rooms

Rooms in our mansions are built by God. Our concept of space, time, and material things does not apply in the hands of God in heaven. In God's hands, in His heaven, in His existence, a room in our mansion in heaven can be a whole universe. In our reality, a room cannot be a whole universe because in our reality a room is just a defined space. However, God does not necessarily follow the rules of our temporal reality. God follows the rules of His existence. God follows the dictates of His will.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Violation

Satan has the power to violate the sacred contract, whereby Satan tries to alter the rules of reality. You cannot control what Satan does or does not do except through prayer. You can control how you respond to what Satan does. The alteration of reality by satanic evil is a possibility in the here and now. What is going on now seems to be a bizarre horror movie in so many lives in so many parts of the world. In the end, no matter what Satan does or tries to do, Christ will triumph in glory upon the earth. Christ reigns in glory in heaven above.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our Reality

Our reality is like water. Our reality is not like concrete. Our reality is fluid, changeable, malleable, and in the hand of God, our reality is His to do with whatever He wants to do. The changeable nature of our reality makes all things possible in the hands of God.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Things are not always what they appear to be. You may be trying to evaluate these words from your worldly rational view. The supernatural cannot always be evaluated using a rational view because the rational view depends upon faulty worldly wisdom. The earth is not flat. However, for many people before Columbus, the flatness or roundness of the earth could not be proven. Your faith must be exercised in these matters. Take the wisdom of these words on faith. Let God lead you where He wants you to go. Let God take you where He wants to take you. Let God determine His desired outcomes.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Images

Read the images the Lord has given you. God has spoken to you many, many ways. God has given you images and messages all of your days. Read the images for the images tell you a story about God and what God has in store for you. Some of the meanings of the images are to cause you to be more humble. Some of the meanings are to give you peace, to show you God's real direction and destiny for you. The images of your being a healing force, of your being more powerful and not helpless in the new past/new reality, all have meaning and purpose.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is There Anything The Lord Cannot Do?

This is a test question. Like in school, the Lord is testing you. What is your answer? You are growing in faith and in trust. Just a short time ago you were uncertain about things. But now you know the Lord is in all things, that all things are possible with God. You must understand God can and will take you into a new reality/new past. Open your heart, mind, and soul. Work to increase your faith, for your faith will push you forward.