Blog contains info about the writer's potential last hours realities on earth and messages about a new mansion in the sky. Messages are partially coded so Christians are more likely to understand. Your last hours realities and mansion dimensions and conceptualizations may vary. This blog is related to a personal prophecy given to the blogger. This blog is about the writer's next step up just before entering his glorious new mansion. Christ is Lord.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Only God Can Judge
Only God can judge based upon each person's single best chance. You must refrain from making judgments about others. God judges each person's life separate and apart from other persons. God weighs every person's every moment. Only God can judge because only God has the power to weigh each person's single moments.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Things Are Now Swirling Between Heaven And Earth.
In the plane, between heaven and earth there is turmoil. The amount of turmoil on the earth and between heaven and earth will determine the order and sequence of events in the hands of God. The order and sequence of events determine the sequence of events leading to your going to a new reality/new past. Many of the swirling events are unknown to you and will remain unknown. God must do His work out of sight and out of human consciousness. However, do not be dismayed. Do not be held back by your doubts. God will do for you those things much greater than you can imagine and envision.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
All Beings, Hearts, And Souls, Are Held As One By God
We have our separate identities. There are those who are full of sin and are fallen. There are those who are righteous before God. Yet all souls are held in the hands of God. Although you might think you are alone. You are never alone because God is with you. By extension you are in the palm of His hand with all other human beings, all other life.
Friday, May 27, 2011
God Does New (Unheard Of Things) Things Each Day
God can not only do new unheard of things each day, God DOES do new unheard of things each day. Most of what God does is unknown. Just because you do not know about what God does, does not mean God does not do unheard of things. You will be astounded when you finally find out about what God has done.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
God Is Timeless And Infinite.
The implications of God being timeless and infinite are beyond words. God's timelessness and infinity make the impossible possible with God. Time is nothing to God. Your past and future are nothing to God because in Him your past and future do not exist like your past and future exist on a calendar or on a clock. This is why, because God is timeless and infinite, God can send you to a new reality or a new past. Think of your past and future as a three dimensional soup with no real dimensions. In God's reality, your three dimensional soup has events or milestones written by God expressing His will. Your new past or new reality does exist. Your new past or new reality is a certainty in your future.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Keeping His Promises
God keeps His promises and keeps His word. Although you are riddled with doubt, you can depend upon God to fulfill every promise and fulfill every word. Realize in the pit of your stomach there is fear. There is fear the reality of going to a new reality may occur. There is fear about being young. There is fear about seeing the previous generations again. Realize how fearful your childhood was. At the core of your doubt is the massive fear, now buried, you experienced as a child. You were also directionless as a child. You heard the Lord's call but dismissed His call upon your life. You must take these fear issues into consideration in the here and now. Much of the preparation the Lord is doing within you is to help you deal with these fear issues. Recall how terrible you felt at the reunions. Recall how traumatic the reunion experience was. You wanted to go to the reunion but when you got there the massive helpless feeling you tried to deal with as a child came back. However, you overcame and you produced. In many of your scenarios, you are overcoming when you go to your new reality. You are not a directionless child, a lost child, a helpless child, a defective, deformed child when you cross over. When you were a child you had no one to help you, no one to confide in, no one to talk to, no one to pour out anything to. In the greatest scenario, you will be helping others in myriad ways. Prepare by planning every moment in your mind. You know about advanced planning now. Prepare by planning now. Preparation by planning now is not a useless enterprise. Preparation is healing for you now. Preparation is healing for you when you move on to your new past or new reality.
The Lord Will Give You Power
This snippet is not just about power, this snippet IS power. You were weak when you were young, incredibly so. The Lord is giving an enormous gift to you by telling you how you will have power in future times…power you likely have never experienced before.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Lord's "Yes" Is Beyond Words
God does not speak in mere words. God speaks by fulfillment of His will. Certainly God can and does speak using words, but His "Yes" in this particular matter goes beyond words. To do for you what you trust God will do, goes beyond just giving you a "Yes" answer like you give a "Yes" answer on a test.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Keep Going! Slog Through It
You must keep going no matter how difficult things may get for you. You must persevere through every dark moment. You must not give up. Glorify God in all your moments, even the dark moments. There may be times when you think you are not productive. You may seem to produce nothing. No matter, you must keep going and going and going. Let the Lord determine His outcome. Even when you think you are not doing anything except suffering, the Lord is working in you and through you.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
You Can And Should Go To The Light Of Christ Now
God is not telling you about your death. God is telling you about what you should do today to more fully live under His love and grace. The Light is Him. The Light is Christ. The Light is His healing power. Living in His light is empowering at a time of little power.
Ignore The Doubt
Even when you do not get confirmation, you must push ahead in your mind, heart, and soul. Ignore the doubt. Will doubt rule you? Will doubt dominate you? Will doubt erode all of what Christ wants within you? Doubt is the enemy of your faith. Although you do not know what specifics are in your future, you know Christ is with you now and will be with you forever. To win the war of doubt, destroy the doubt by standing on what you know now in spirit and in truth. You do not know the dimensions of God's timelessness for there is no dimension in infinity. You do not know the full power of God because God is infinite in power. You do not know the parameters of this reality or any reality created by God because of God's infinite creative power. Overcome doubt by living in God's infinite power to do all things He wishes to do in your life. Your pushing ahead in spite of doubt begins to eat away at what doubt tries to do to you.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Stay With The Lord Now And In The Future
Always stay with the Lord's leading, even if you are not sure where He is taking you. You have felt the presence of the Lord in some of these matters. You have not felt God turn away. You have not felt the absence of God. You have been inspired. You have been touched. Your mind has been energized. You can see now, just from your viewing photos from where you grew up, there would be a shock to you if you went back to your roots without being prepared. This shock is to show you how you need to be emotionally prepared for what is about to happen. The Lord will be with you. The Lord will touch you. These statements are made in faith from the Lord's leading, not from foreknowledge.
Go!!! Keep Moving. Don't Look Back! At The Darkness Of Your Doubt
Keep moving and keep moving in regard to this experience. Keep working on what God is giving you in this experience. The more you work the more you mold yourself into His image. The more you work the more events will unfold according to His will. When you doubt and do not work on these matters, your doubt stops your progress in His will in regard to these matters. Keep working on this experience. Keep moving on this experience. Keep creating on this experience.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Keep Moving
Never stop moving. Never stop pushing ahead. It would be too easy to stop everything and just wait or get inactive. However, God wants you active and pushing ahead. God is not glorified in any reality by your not pushing ahead.
Monday, May 16, 2011
You Will Know
You will know when the time of going to a new reality/new past is getting close. You will know when a snippet rings with His truth. You will know when a marker event takes place. You will know the will of God as you become more humble. Your "knowing" will be dramatic. Your "knowing" will be full of peace and absent of fear. You will praise Christ's name in your "knowing."
Above All Things, Matters, Methods, And Directives "Feed My Sheep"
Feeding His sheep is the way/a way, to achieve the prime directives. The Lord did not just call you one time. He calls you all the time. Not with the same dramatic voice, but with the same voice of His love for you. He will call you until you see Him face to face. Every moment you are alive He is calling you. Do not forget every moment is His moment of call. In actuality, you were ORDERED not called. In actuality, every moment you are under His order to produce for Him. Forget your doubt. Do for Him as He directs. What happens or does not happen is of no consequence. Look at the power He is giving you this moment.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Become Fearless
You have known fear. You were fearful when you were a child. Going into a new reality/new past will enable you to erase the fears you accumulated in the old past. In many ways, others were the recipient of your early fears, although you did not know you were communicating fear to others. Everyone has fear. However, you had more fear and trauma than most because of the circumstances of your birth and youth years. Moving over into a new reality/new past will help you heal and erase the fear and trauma from your old past.
The Ball Of Fear
One of the many purposes of these snippets and this experience is to remove some or all of the ball of fear you hold within you. You had the ball of fear while you were in grade school. The fear has followed you ever since. Look at the messages in the snippets. You will see how the increase in faith God wants from you, and the increase in faith you are experiencing, are essentially about lessening the ball of fear.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
What You Think God "Can" Do Is Exceeded By What God "Will" Do
This great statement of faith says the same thing as "All things are possible with God." We couch our doubts by talking about what God "will" do because we lack the faith to stand on what God "can" do. Obviously, we have not lived into the future so we do not know all of what the future holds with God. However, we do know our concept of "can" will be exceeded by what God "will" do.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Don't Confuse Your Faith In God With What He Will Or Will Not Do In The Future
Your faith has to move forward without regard to what you think God will or will not do in the future. You do not know what God will or will not do in the future. No one knows totally and unequivocally what God will or will not do in the future in every instance. We believe what He has told us. Since we have not experienced heaven, we are left to believe. Yet, look at the beauty of belief. Look at how your belief has carried you throughout your life. Your knowledge and wisdom cannot hold and cannot influence you like your belief can do. Rest in what knowledge you have. Rest in the belief you possess. With God, the power of your belief is greater than the power of your knowledge. In your knowledge, you can forget and get confused. In your belief, as you take your belief to the Lord as you do all you can for His work in His kingdom, you store up the greatest treasures and blessings with Him.
Believing In God Is One Thing, Believing In What God Will Do Is Something Else
Certainly, you believe in God. However, you have trouble believing in what God will do because of your past, your pain, your disappointments, and your previous experiences. However, now is a new time. Now is a time for you to expand what you believe. Now is a time to lift your eyes up to see the power of God working for you now and working for you in your new day in your new reality/new past just ahead.
Consider The Experience Of Processing These Snippets A Gift
There is no mystery here. This experience is a work out for your faith and preparation for your transfer to your new reality…because you believed. Isn't it like God to give the righteous a reward? God has His designs and purposes of which you know not much. God is using you now as He has always used you. Before, all your efforts were directed to others. Now God's efforts are directed to you. This faith experience is either from God or God is using this experience if the experience is from you. God uses you in your faith. God will reward you in your faith.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
This Experience Is A Test Of Your Faith
Indeed, this experience is a test. The snippet is truly an understatement of understatements. Obviously, you have not doubted the love or existence of God in any of this. What you have doubted is what you think God can do and/or will do in your life. Understand, the power of God working in your life is keyed to how much you believe and what you believe about Him. The power of God in your life is related to your faith connection and concept of God actually working and actually doing in your life. So, yes, this experience is a test. You are being tested to see how far you will let your mind, heart, and soul go in believing all things are possible with God. As a test question, "What are the limits of God?" And your answer is...
Make Sure Developments Stay On Course
No matter what age you are when you move into your new reality, you are responsible for managing your life so the prime directives (save hearts, save lives, save souls by calling people to Christ) are achieved. You will be involved in a number of developments directed toward achieving the directives. Make sure all developments stay on track. Do not lose focus. Remember why you are there. Remember your objectives. Stay in pursuit of your objectives at all times.
You Will Always Be At Spiritual War Until You Cross Over
You will always be at spiritual war, now and later, until you cross over. This spiritual war is between your selfish ego and the pulling of Christ to Him. The Lord is telling you how you will always have this war so you are forewarned. The Lord wants you to be aware so you can be victorious for Him. You always have choices. Always look to Christ. Even angels fall.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Your Travail Over The War Between Your Ego And Christ's Call Upon You Is Christ' Refining Fire
You have chosen sides in this spiritual war. You have done more than well in what the Lord has called you to do. The Lord loves you for being faithful. The Lord loves you for being His child. The war, the recognition by you of the power of your ego, is a testament of the Lord's presence in your life. The fact the Lord asks you if you are willing is a sign He loves you because He wants you to be a success for Him, by Him, and through Him.
Monday, May 9, 2011
You Have To Keep Believing
You have been given a sacred privilege. You must keep believing. You must keep believing all things are possible with God. If you do not believe all things are possible with God, you have diminished Him in your life and in your work. If you do not believe God can do all things, when you move ahead tomorrow, you have cancelled out God's power in your life.
Expect The Unexpected
Do not live with the idea tomorrow will be like today. Tomorrow the unexpected will happen for you. God will act tomorrow. Whenever God wills for you to inherit your heavenly new reality/new past, you will be taken back and be young again. God will reveal more and more to you as the days go by. Put your doubt aside. Believe God can do the impossible at any moment.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Not Like You Think
Oh, how you fashion what you think will happen! You even try to fashion when it will happen. However, God will not be fooled. God cannot even be easily figured out. Just accept God is in His mystery. No one can fully understand Him because He does not want them to understand. God does not want you to fully know or understand Him so He can do a greater work in you and in your life. Accept as a reality God is mysterious beyond your knowing. However, even in His mystery, God is infinite timeless love.
Catch An Echo Q & A
Q. Do you want to go back in time?
Blogger: Yes and No. I would never want to go back in time if all the pain, hurt, and suffering of the world would have to be re-created. Only a truly insane person would want to re-create the world's suffering from the past. However, the pain, hurt, and suffering in our reality leaves echoes.
Q. What do you mean by "catch an echo"?
Blogger: Every event, every moment, every second, the world and all of those who inhabit the world leave imprints or echoes. I would like to catch those echoes and change the consequences of person's lives without recreating pain, hurt, and suffering. If I could go back in history I would want to change history before it happens thus changing the echoes generated by history. God has the power to do all things. All things are possible with God. God can create billions of realities like our own only better. I want to be a part of changing and shaping these new world's and new realities. I cannot conceive of myself sitting in heaven playing a harp for eternity. Of course, I would glory in doing any work for God, but eternal harp playing…
Q. Don't you think only God can change history?
Blogger: Well, certainly God can change history but little people like me can change little bits and pieces of history. When I cross over, I want God to assist me in saving lives, saving hearts, and saving souls through Christ. If the Lord takes me back in time by making me young again in a new past/new reality by carrying me up to a new reality/new past like or somewhat like our own, I could change history by saving hearts, saving lives, and saving souls. What I could do is catch the echoes from the new past and in the echoes influence person's lives. The new past/new reality might look the same, sound the same, and feel the same but the Lord's new reality would be totally different because there would be no suffering.
Blogger: Yes and No. I would never want to go back in time if all the pain, hurt, and suffering of the world would have to be re-created. Only a truly insane person would want to re-create the world's suffering from the past. However, the pain, hurt, and suffering in our reality leaves echoes.
Q. What do you mean by "catch an echo"?
Blogger: Every event, every moment, every second, the world and all of those who inhabit the world leave imprints or echoes. I would like to catch those echoes and change the consequences of person's lives without recreating pain, hurt, and suffering. If I could go back in history I would want to change history before it happens thus changing the echoes generated by history. God has the power to do all things. All things are possible with God. God can create billions of realities like our own only better. I want to be a part of changing and shaping these new world's and new realities. I cannot conceive of myself sitting in heaven playing a harp for eternity. Of course, I would glory in doing any work for God, but eternal harp playing…
Q. Don't you think only God can change history?
Blogger: Well, certainly God can change history but little people like me can change little bits and pieces of history. When I cross over, I want God to assist me in saving lives, saving hearts, and saving souls through Christ. If the Lord takes me back in time by making me young again in a new past/new reality by carrying me up to a new reality/new past like or somewhat like our own, I could change history by saving hearts, saving lives, and saving souls. What I could do is catch the echoes from the new past and in the echoes influence person's lives. The new past/new reality might look the same, sound the same, and feel the same but the Lord's new reality would be totally different because there would be no suffering.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Your Ascending Realities Will Last For A Time But Not Forever
Your earthly mission assigned by God is not forever. Forever is when you get to heaven. Your earthly mission will come to an end. Your heavenly joy will last forever. You will not escape the slings and arrows of earth no matter where you are or when you are. You may have things easier when you become young again, but you must produce more. The Lord has full confidence in you to produce. The Lord can see what you have done now. The Lord depends upon you to keep the faith and keep producing for Him, not for yourself. Your biggest challenge will be to recognize the ego blasts and stay away from garnering attention for yourself.
You Will Be Lifted Up
You will be lifted up to heaven, to your new reality, to your new past. The details are unknown to you now. However, what difference do the details make if Christ Jesus is with you all the while?
Friday, May 6, 2011
I Am With You Until The End Of The Age
The Lord is giving you this encouragement because He loves you. The Lord is giving you this help because your future will not be easy. Consider your future in the new past/new reality to be like your old past was…difficult. However, during the time in your new past/new reality, you will be more fully armed. You will be stronger. You will be more able.
Blogger's Note: What I am receiving in this snippet conflicts with my ideas about what heaven should be like. However, the substance of this snippet would be more of what I would want (for a time) in my new reality. I say this because my life has had so many places of emptiness over which I had no control. My ideal heaven (for a time) would be to go back into a new past where I could fill in those empty places in my present life. What a wonder this kind of fulfilling new past would be! I think ascending to heaven without filling in all the blanks I left behind would (for me) be quite awful. I know the standard idea of eternal love and bliss from Christ as my reward. However, what about all those moments in my life when I was too weak through no fault of my own? What about all those moments in my life when I had no armament while on this earth in this time line through no fault of my own? What about my lifetime of disability in so many ways, times, and places? In my soul I would embrace a difficult old past to do the Lord's work with all His marvelous ways of helping me to make up for what I had lost in my present time line. May Christ be praised in all things.
Blogger's Note: What I am receiving in this snippet conflicts with my ideas about what heaven should be like. However, the substance of this snippet would be more of what I would want (for a time) in my new reality. I say this because my life has had so many places of emptiness over which I had no control. My ideal heaven (for a time) would be to go back into a new past where I could fill in those empty places in my present life. What a wonder this kind of fulfilling new past would be! I think ascending to heaven without filling in all the blanks I left behind would (for me) be quite awful. I know the standard idea of eternal love and bliss from Christ as my reward. However, what about all those moments in my life when I was too weak through no fault of my own? What about all those moments in my life when I had no armament while on this earth in this time line through no fault of my own? What about my lifetime of disability in so many ways, times, and places? In my soul I would embrace a difficult old past to do the Lord's work with all His marvelous ways of helping me to make up for what I had lost in my present time line. May Christ be praised in all things.
Fear Not, I Have Overcome The World
Certainly, you have fear about the future. Learn to fear not by going to the foot of Christ's cross more often. Christ has not protected you for so long to let you slip now. You are His child. You were destined to do His work. Doing His work does not guarantee protection. Doing His work does mean you are to be fearless. When you feel fear, take courage by grasping Christ's hand. You know so much now! You will carry on in the future with the wisdom you have gained. You will carry on in the future in this timeline as well as in the next reality.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Be A Little Softer With Letting These Messages Sink Into Your Heart And Soul.
Do not let this experience of looking more forward to more of eternity chew you up. Let the experience of this growing into infinity fill your soul. You can see already how you are growing in faith. You are growing in trust of the Lord and what He will do. Live in the joy and peace God has chosen you to complete His glorious assignments for Him. Relax. Have a little more fun with receiving these messages and doing His work. How can you be so intense when you will have a whole eternity to achieve what God wants you to achieve. Relax and let the eternity of good times roll.
When You Get Tired, You Get Down, Then The Doubt Comes
Watch your health as you process information. Watch your tiredness when you have doubts. This insight is given to you by the Lord so you will guard against the infusion of doubt.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
When You Are Afraid To Believe Because You Might Be Disappointed
Learn to live with the fear of disappointment. Move on past the fear of disappointment. Let nothing stop you from believing. When you stop believing you stop the Lord from producing from within you. Doubt is the killer of faith. Faith enables God to work in every instance. Believe before you ever doubt. Faith makes all things possible. Faith makes the impossible possible. Some way, somehow, God will make your travel or return to a new past/new reality a reality for you. With God, all things are possible…even those things you cannot imagine.
Dealing With The Doubt Is Part Of The Process Of Growing Into Being A Part Of Christ's Infinity
Your faith grows only when you learn to deal with the doubt. Your faith grows as you think, contemplate, and run through the scenarios of possibilities. The endless possibilities are just a tiny inkling of the real possibilities. The greater the possibilities the smaller your doubt becomes. Possibilities trump doubt when you see how real the possibilities are or how real the possibilities can become. Remember: all things are possible with God. Doubt kills faith. Anything, any activity, any scenario where the possible is embraced decreases your doubt. The process is in part is a way of dispelling your doubt. Your reality that is now will be changed into ways unimaginable. The closer you come to immersing the infinite of God's reality, the closer you come to becoming a part of His reality and your new reality.
Do Not Fight Against The Truth And The Will Of God In These Matters
Do not fight the truth God is giving you in these revelations. Accept all of these revelations are possible in all possible ways. The truth contained herein will fill up your life. The truth will carry you forward. The truth will carry you into a new past/new reality beyond your wildest imagination. Lose your anger. Lose it now. Work on losing your anger.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Beware Of Your Dark Destructive Inner Voice Telling You "No"
The "no" voice within you is the silent voice creating your doubt. The "no" voice is the voice killing off the Lord's possibilities within you and within your life. The "no" voice is the enemy of God. The "no" voice is a destructive power like sin is a destructive power. The "no" voice is from Satan, never from God except when God wants to protect you with a warning or when His will is not what you might want or where you might want to go. You must discern whether God is speaking in love when you hear His "no" or whether the "no" is coming from Satan seeding your heart with doubt.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Be More Believing In The Truth Of The Messages And In The Gospel Truth
You may have your doubts at first. However, recently, your doubts have eased. You are starting to believe more. Yes, family will see angels but you do not know when. Believe in the truth of the messages and let God work out the time and place. The Lord is doing more within you each day. You are going to Him more directly. You are going to the foot of His cross, even in your pain when things seem to not come together or you cannot focus. The Lord's power is more available to you when you believe and less available to you when you doubt. Each message has truth in the message. Focus on the truth in each snippet. The power of the truth is within your power to believe in the truth or know the truth. The Lord's truth within you is more a matter of your knowing than your believing. As you work within each truth you are beginning to know you will somehow return to a new reality, to be young again, to a new life unlike your old life.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Stringent Adherence To The Code!!!!
You must adhere to the three directives (to save hearts, save lives, & save souls by calling people to Christ) at all times. Whenever possible, pursue the three directives. You must commit your life to living a life with the same commitment Christ displayed.
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