Monday, May 23, 2011

Keeping His Promises

God keeps His promises and keeps His word. Although you are riddled with doubt, you can depend upon God to fulfill every promise and fulfill every word. Realize in the pit of your stomach there is fear. There is fear the reality of going to a new reality may occur. There is fear about being young. There is fear about seeing the previous generations again. Realize how fearful your childhood was. At the core of your doubt is the massive fear, now buried, you experienced as a child. You were also directionless as a child. You heard the Lord's call but dismissed His call upon your life. You must take these fear issues into consideration in the here and now. Much of the preparation the Lord is doing within you is to help you deal with these fear issues. Recall how terrible you felt at the reunions. Recall how traumatic the reunion experience was. You wanted to go to the reunion but when you got there the massive helpless feeling you tried to deal with as a child came back. However, you overcame and you produced. In many of your scenarios, you are overcoming when you go to your new reality. You are not a directionless child, a lost child, a helpless child, a defective, deformed child when you cross over. When you were a child you had no one to help you, no one to confide in, no one to talk to, no one to pour out anything to. In the greatest scenario, you will be helping others in myriad ways. Prepare by planning every moment in your mind. You know about advanced planning now. Prepare by planning now. Preparation by planning now is not a useless enterprise. Preparation is healing for you now. Preparation is healing for you when you move on to your new past or new reality.

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